Recap 2019
A Beneficio de
For the Benefit of...
Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Diseño de Puerto Rico
La "principal institución de educación superior en artes visuales” de Puerto Rico.
La escuela ha sufrido mucho con el huracán María y la situación económica de la isla.
Una de las matrículas más asequibles en el territorio de EE. UU. para escuelas de arte y en la ubicación más hermosa del Caribe.
Puerto Rico’s “foremost institution of higher education in the visual arts.”
The School has suffered a great deal with Hurricane Maria and the island economic situation
One of the most affordable tuitions in US Territory for Art Schools in the most beautiful location in the Caribbean.
Puerto Rico’s “foremost institution of higher education in the visual arts.” The School has suffered a great deal with Hurricane Maria and the island economic situation One of the most affordable tuitions in US Territory for Art Schools in the most beautiful location in the Caribbean.
Puerto Rico’s “foremost institution of higher education in the visual arts.” The School has suffered a great deal with Hurricane Maria and the island economic situation One of the most affordable tuitions in US Territory for Art Schools in the most beautiful location in the Caribbean.
Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico
Su enfoque es el desarrollo armonioso de los músicos en los campos de la interpretación y composición musical y la enseñanza.
Ha acogido a una serie de músicos internacionales como estudiantes y profesores, y tiene una larga relación con el movimiento de música clásica en Puerto Rico.
Its focus is the harmonious development of musicians in the fields of music interpretation and composition, and teaching
It has hosted a number of international musicians as students as well as faculty, and has a longstanding relationship with the classical music movement in Puerto Rico